How to open an Image in CAMBAM.
In this section I used the Boston Marathon logo as an example. The logo looked like a fun project to do. Also, I am a runner. My wife and I ran the marathon in 2013. Here are the following steps.
Step 1. Open the image from the “HeightMap Generator” under the CAMBAM “Plugins” menu as shown below;
Step 2. Open the image into CAMBAM
Step 3. Set your “HeightMap Generator” options.
Be aware that the XStep and YStep size are important. The smaller size produces a better engraved image, but it takes the machine longer to carve the pattern. A 4″ x 4″ piece of wood with a 0.04″ step size and feedrate 6″ inch/min will take about 2 hours. With a 0.02″ step size, the same part will take over 3 hours. This blog will show the difference between the engravings.
Step 4. Generate the HeightMap
Step 5. Generate the Tools paths and G-Code.
Video of CAMBAM generating G-Code from a Bitmap.
The video below will show you how to generate G-Code from the “HeightMap Generator” in CAMBAM.
Video of the CNC Mill engraving the Image on wood.
This video shows how the machine engraves the Boston Marathon Logo on the a CNC machine. The CNC machine is using the Dynomotion KFLOP to perform the engraving
Final Products.
Before, I engraved the Boston Marathon Logo, I started with a business card to test the first engraving. I took a photo of the business card and converted it to a black/white bitmap. The black/white bitmap seemed work better than the color.
The business card is from Run 26 which is a running store in Mill Creek Washington. If you want to get in shape for long distance running, this is the store. They can help you select the right gear for you to start running. They cater to all runners; fast and slow, old and young. The owner is a awesome and knowledgeable coach.
Engraving with different Step sizes.
The step size determine the quality of the engraving. The image on the left was engraved with the steps sizes set to 0.04″ for both X and Y. The image on the right was used 0.02″ for both X and Y, but took over 3 hours. The engraving process was stopped after 3 hours. It would have taken another hour.
If you have any questions or comments please contact us.
Also best of luck to the runners in the Boston Marathon tomorrow April 17, 2017.